Thanks for Thinking of Us!

Our Shipping & Receiving department entrance is located at 300 Princess St, at the entrance on Henry Ave. When you drop off your donation, please give us your contact information so that we can acknowledge your gift.

Take a look at our list of urgent needs beforehand to see how you can help us meet our needs.

You can also view these lists as a PDF by clicking HERE.

We have also been blessed to be able to house people more consistently this year. And as Siloam continues to house people regularly, we run out of supplies to give community members as they transition into their new homes. You can see this list by clicking HERE.

Please note that we cannot accept food items, over-the-counter medications, or hygiene items that have been opened or have expired. 

Hours of operation:

Monday to Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sundays, Holidays, and Long Weekends (Sat, Sun & Mon): CLOSED

If you would like to make a Gift-in-Kind donation, please contact or call 204.956.4344.


As of June 29th, 2020, Siloam Mission’s Shipping & Receiving department has moved to 300 Princess St, entrance on Henry Ave. We kindly ask that all hygiene, food, and monetary donations be dropped off at the new location. Please note that we cannot accept opened or expired food items.

Move-Out Kits:

Consider donating a Move-Out Kit as a family, church group, office, or on your own! Kits can be donated complete, or as donations of individual items. If donating as a group, feel free to use this Move-Out Kit Sign-Up Sheet to make sure all items are covered.

Wish List: 

You can now have urgently needed items shipped directly to Siloam with our Amazon wish list!

To receive a tax receipt for your donation please forward your electronic receipt to along with your full name, full address, and contact information. Tax receipts are in CDN dollars and will not include PST, GST, or the shipping cost as per CRA guidelines. Tax receipts will be processed once the items are received at Siloam Mission. When placing the order please be sure to select delivery to Siloam Mission. Thanks!