


By Jim Bell
CEO, Siloam Mission

Every year, more people are coming to us for help. The numbers don’t lie – there is a very real homelessness crisis in Winnipeg.

Most who end up at our door struggle with unimaginable trauma, leading to mental breakdown, unemployment, loss of health and the will to fight any longer.

We offer a warm meal, a safe bed, and supports to help them recover – emotionally, physically and spiritually – from living on the street.

But, if we are going to get serious about ending homelessness in Winnipeg, we need to dramatically increase and refocus the available services. Looking forward, Siloam Mission’s focus is on helping people to heal their wounds, and transition out of homelessness so that they may enjoy the happy, fulfilling, and independent life we all deserve.

This is why, last year, we launched the Make Room in Your Heart Capital Campaign – breaking ground on 54,000 square feet of new space for this much-needed care, advocacy, and support.

Thanks to the generosity of so many, we have raised almost $17 million of the $19 million needed to complete this life-changing project, but we’ve still got a long way to go – and we can only go far together.

There is someone in Winnipeg right now who is at the end of their rope. But with your help, they can find the end of a dark chapter, and write the beginning of a much brighter one – in the story of their own life, and of our beloved city.

To learn more about how you can contribute to a Winnipeg without homelessness, visit siloammakeroom.ca today.
