


Celebrating Deb: Our Volunteer Hours Record-Holder

Debra Fontaine is a familiar face around Siloam, having volunteered for over 15 years. With 6544 recorded hours spent volunteering, she holds the record for most volunteer hours – and has likely spent many more than that.

For many years, Deb has been a dedicated and compassionate volunteer, working diligently to ensure Siloam’s clothing department is organized, and reviewing clothing that has been sorted to ensure each piece will bring comfort and dignity for someone shopping in our free store. She also built relationships with tailors and mending shops as she brought much needed clothing to be repaired instead of throwing them out, especially items like jackets or jeans.

Deb speaks highly of Siloam Mission and is always advocating to her friends and family about our organization and the community. She has been a true staple in our clothing program and has built strong relationships with the staff, community members and fellow volunteers.

After more than 15 years, we are celebrating Deb as she has put in her last day of volunteering before moving to another city. Deb, we are so thankful for your dedication to our community, and we know many at Siloam will miss you! It is volunteers like you who bring hope to our community.

Right now, we have a need for more volunteers like Deb! If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering, please visit, or contact us at or 204-956-4344. 
